crafted to inspire

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About Me!

Welcome to my blog! I started this blog to connect with others who, like me, love food but must navigate the world of gluten-free living due to health issues. My journey into the gluten-free lifestyle began due to personal health concerns and those of my immediate family. Now, as a marketing major and college student who has recently moved off campus, I’ve embraced cooking for myself.

Cooking has always been a passion of mine, and living on my own has been the perfect opportunity to really dive into it. On this blog, I'll be exploring simple recipes that have made my life easier and more enjoyable, sharing my favorite gluten-free spots to eat, and sprinkling in various lifestyle topics too.

Two years into my cooking adventure, I'm here to share my experiences and recommendations with all of you. I can't wait to see what this blog becomes and look forward to growing this community together!


my philosophy

my philosophy is rooted in the belief that living gluten-free doesn't mean compromising on taste, joy, or variety—it's about embracing a lifestyle that enhances well-being, creativity, and connection.

kind words

"This site looks like it has great potential I can't wait to see what comes of it!" -Aliscia

meal breakdown


Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day because it provides essential nutrients and energy to kickstart metabolism after an overnight fast. Eating a balanced breakfast helps improve concentration and performance in school or work settings, setting a positive tone for the day's activities.

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Lunch is very important for refueling the body and mind, especially midway through a busy day. It helps maintain blood sugar levels, supports cognitive functions, and prevents overeating later. A nutritious lunch can improve mood, enhance productivity, and contribute to a balanced diet.

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Dinner is essential for winding down and replenishing the body after a day's activities. It offers an opportunity to balance daily nutrient intake, supports metabolic health, and fosters family bonding when shared together. A well-rounded dinner aids in muscle repair and prepares the body for rest.

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